OK, so after a rather interesting weekend that may or may not have involved going to a small town cheese festival, I returned to work to something kind of creepy.
I often get spam work mail, that is just part of the world of journalism. My company e-mail is posted in more places that I can imagine I'm sure. Pretty sad, but it's probably true. Anyways, I typically get e-mails that say something about "You just won a million dollars," "Free Mercedes coming from Iran," "Please come to my art show," "Would you like to advertise with us for free," and the list goes on and on.
But, for the first time in 3 years I received an e-mail like none other. Here is what it said:
how are you doing?
i hope you are fine,my name is Mary,please don,t be
suprise to receive my message, when
sarching througth ( insert company web site) i came
accros your contact,because i believe one can find a very good caring,understanding and God fearing person anywhere in the world,i hope to hear from you so that i
wil tell you more about my self with love and trust, and i will give you my pics thanks Mary
How creepy is that?
In other
I'm a terrible blogger news:
The fabulous
Moonjava over at
Moonjava's Muse gave me an awesome award! I am so excited! If you haven't ever read her blog you should, she's great.
Rules for this award!
1) If you have a blog, post it on your blog with a link back to the site who gave it to you;
2) Leave them a comment on their site, email, etc. to let them know;
3) If you don't have a blog but have a website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or other type account, post there with a link back; and
4) Pass this on to 3-10 loyal fans.
I'm passing this onto:
1) Anais @ Through Green Eyes
2) Lil' Woman @ Lil' Woman, Lil' Home
3) Tamela @ A Brunette Making It One Day At A Time
4) Kristen @ Happily Ever After
5) Wendy @ Wendy's Adventures in LaLaLand