Because right now my brain is thinking all million things that are all timely and need to be combined into one post. I mean, I guess I could post individual posts... but then you might miss something and we can't have that.
First on the list is the Cheese Festival.
I know a few of you had asked me about the cheese festival and unfortunately I have sad news to report. It was a bust! I drove an hour and a half to be surrounded by small town lovin and yellow cheesy goodness. Wrong!

There wasn't a human running around with a mouse head, there was no magician doing crowd pleasing tricks. So what was there you ask? There was a line that offered free samples of cheese. There you have it folks, I drove an hour and a half to stand in line for free cheese samples. I should have just went Sams Club, it's like next door to my apartment.
Oh, and it was a drizzly cold mess. It was so cold my feet were freezing. So in the end it sucked, but I have faith that it was a whole lot more fun the day before. I blame myself for waiting till the last minute to attend. Maybe next year
Second: Did you see balloon boy?
I mean seriously? Was this some sort of publicity stunt by his "Wife Swap" parents? I honestly feel for the kid. Don't get me wrong I was one of those idiots that watched and worried for the kids safety, but I think now is the time to worry about him. I won't lie, if it was my kid the belt would be coming out ... for days.
Third: Looks like a trip to Vegas is in order!
I know I will be headed to Key West in a few short weeks, but now's the time to start planning my trip to Vegas. In case of you are country fans, the man Garth Brooks is coming out of retirement. I am so excited!
I am not one of those crazy country fans, but I listen to it occasionally. But I will say I am a huge HUGE huge Garth fan. I literally cried the day he said he was going into retirement, mainly because I had never seen him live. So, if you're a country fan be prepared.... He's Back!
I got to see him 2 years ago when he came and did his Kansas City tour, 9 concerts in like one week. It was AWESOME!
The point at which I decided the dad was involved was when a reporter asked him if he was going to ground the kid, and he said "well, we don't ground our children, but I am going to talk to him".....really, your kid hid in an attic while 5 different police departments went out searching, the military came out and the Denver airport closed down-and you are going to talk to him!!! The question here is, can we beat the father with a belt?
I'm so disappointed in the cheese festival :(
That balloon boy thing was freaky at first but now I'm thinking maybe the dad had something to do with it.
So many cool trips on the horizon, I envy you!! I hope we'll see pics :D I've never been to either of these places :)
And balloon boy... so sad :( That people would make up something like that??
oh I haven't been to Vegas for years already now... Always love the lights at night haha!
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