Yesterday while sitting at work I received a text message that simply said "I was robbed today." Not only did the text say that, but it was from my sister. So, needless to say, the mom in me came out and I started calling her hysterically. Not one, not two, but three phone calls later she finally picked up.
I asked her what happened and she didn't seem the least bit scared, she was laughing. She told me that someone robbed the bank the she works at. She just happened to be the lucky teller. Apparently when he walked in she had this feeling that he was going to rob her. She said that she started praying in her head for him not to hurt her and for this not to happen.
Immediately upon reaching the counter the mad said something. My sister didn't understand him and asked what he said. Apparently that is when he pushed a note in her faced asking for the money. I asked her if she hit the emergency button, but apparently her bank doesn't have one. Their policy is to hand over the money and as soon as the robber leaves to call 911. So that's what she did. She handed him the money and he threw it in a Dollar General sack (he probably found it while walking to the bank).
After the man got the money he took off running. I can't believe that he didn't even have a get away car. So how much did he get away with? $2,400. Yep, that's it. Apparently the bank doesn't keep much in the their drawers. My sister told me if he would have robbed the teller next to her, he would have made off with much more because she hadn't cashed her drawer yet.
So all-in-all it is a scary situation and I am more than grateful that she was all right. I really hope that the man gets caught. But, my sis will forever more have an awesome story to tell.
*The pictures are surveillance photos from the bank. That is the back of my sister's head.
My mom(when she worked as a bank teller a million years ago)was robbed three times. I'm glas your sister is alright...I would have been freaked out!
Happy Thursday
wow! The guy didn't even cover his face or nothing, I bet they will catch him.
Glad your sis is alright. I would have been hysterical. Maybe they need to install and emergency button now...
Yikes! That's crazy. Glad to hear your sister is doing alright. I actually used to be a teller myself and the day before I started working there, a guy had robbed one of the tellers. She was alright too..but always scary to think of!
SO glad to hear that your sister is fine. I would have totally freaked out. God was watching after her...:)
I'm glad that your sister is okay.....they really need to get emergency buttons-that is crazy!
I am so glad she's ok!
Because she is ok, I must say how awesome it would have been if the dollar general sack had just a dollar sign on it, like robbers in the movies (or on The Sims).
Holy cow. I never knew anyone who knew anyone who ever got robbed like that. Yikes. These days all banks should have the emergency buttons and bulletproof glass between teller and customers.
One a good note -
Thanks so much for sharing in my SITS day last week. I am still playing catch up!!!!!!!
I used to work in a bank years ago, and November and December are the biggest months for bank robberies.
Just dropped by from SITS to say hi: hope you will do the same.
holy crapola!!! i guess it's good that she was able to laugh about it in the end--bless her heart, i'm glad she & her coworkers weren't hurt!
Wow thats crazy, But I'm glad to hear that your sister is ok.
Just stopping by from SITS. Hope your having a great day
YIKES. That is so scary. Thank goodness she was ok!
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