My girl weekend started out Saturday when I went to see Dear John. I am an avid Nicholas Sparks fan, in fact he is my favorite author and I have read so many of his books. Unfortunately, I have not read this book, but I couldn't pass up on seeing Channing Tatum half naked. The guy is HAWT! Even if sappy lovey stories aren't your thing, it's worth it to see him. Haha, well I loved the movie. I thought it was really great. After the movie I went to my fave Mexican restaurant and indulged in some fajita chicken enchilada's and it was amazing.
Sunday, I had to write a paper and that wasn't fun at all but the day was made so much better by going out to see Valentine's Day. I wanted to see this movie last weekend so bad, but was kind of blown off. So, I went this past weekend and I will tell you it was pretty funny. I'm not a huge fan of Ashton Kutcher, but he plays his role perfectly in this movie. You should definitely see this one, no matter if you are in love or if you are a bitter romantic. I also had Mexican again on Sunday. Do you think I like Mexican food? Haha. I can't help it. We tried this new restaurant and it wasn't to bad. I wasn't sure what to order so I stuck with beef enchilada's. They were pretty good, but I like my favorite place so much more.
So all-in-all I had a pretty good weekend. I think the only thing that would have made my girl fest better was a piece or cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.
How were your weekends?
We found a new yummy Mexican place this weekend too. Now I am craving Mexican for dinner!
yummmm..... nice picture!
im dying to see both of those movies. but i keep forgetting on cheap movie day! ill have to set a reminder!
There is nothing wrong with double mexican!
I possibly did that thursday friday last week ;)
He sure is hot. He wife is a lucky woman!
He is so gorgeous. I'm not sure who is better looking: him or his wife. Can't wait to see the movie! :)
I'm glad you liked Dear John... I really want to see it but have been a little disheartened by the bad reviews. :)
I want to see, maybe when it comes to the dollar theatre! :)
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