I was happy to see that I was tagged in not one, but two awesome awards. Is that exciting or what?
The lovely Moonjava tagged me for the lemonade award and the lovely a H.I.T. crowned me queen! If you haven't read their blogs you really should, they are both great!
Since the rules for both are basically the same, I am going to just do it once.
So, my Queen duties include:
1. List 7 things that make me awe-summm.
2. Pass the award onto 7 bloggers that I love.
3. Tag those bloggers to let them know they are now Queens too (and link back to the Queen who tagged you).
7 Things That Make Me Awe-summm:
1. I can't curl my tongue. Yeah I'm unique because everyone can do that.
2. I have stood in four states at once.
3. I have eaten pop rocks and drank pepsi at the same time and my stomach didn't explode.
4. I only get a hangover from cheap beer.
5. For the longest time I thought the whole world celebrated me on my birthday
6. I've saved many stray cats growing up. My grandparent's always seemed to love it when I found another. :)
7. I am always up to try new and exciting things.
Allow me to introduce the new Queens of All Things Awe-summm:
A Brunette Making it One Day at a Time
Bee Creative
Wendy's Adventures in La La Land
My Life in a Blog
Little Woman, Little Home
well you're awesome for thinking i'm awesomeeeee! haha! :) you totally deserve both awards :)
how did you stand in 4 states at once?
thankyou!!! :) you're pretty awe-some yourself!!!
Thank you girl!
Aw thank you!! I feel so special! :)
You have been tagged!
thank you lady!
Thanks, dear! :) I will post today.
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